Looking for someone to check your pay?
Here's who I am & what I do
Over 85% of clients will identify some form of employee under or overpayment when they assess their employee pay.
Many clients struggle with the implementation of new systems or processes as they don't know where to start to execute this process effectively.
I am an ex EY Senior Manager with over 12 years' experience in the provision of financial services to clients around the world. Over the last 10 years I have focused on becoming a Payroll subject matter expert with experience in providing:
end-to-end payroll process reviews,
process improvement and remediation, and
support for process and system implementations.
I have worked with a number of different businesses, across a range of industries within Australia.
Having now completed 26 different types of payroll project, I have the expertise to support you in analysing what is most likely the biggest expense of your company.
Payroll legislation is highly complex and is therefore easy to unintentionally get things wrong. With new wage theft legislation being introduced in a number of states, your Company Directors are at risk.
I have set up Pay Cheque to help you to better understand the risks within your payroll operations so that you are able to remediate and automate wherever possible so that you have less to worry about each time you run your pay. In return, you will get the expertise of an ex EY Senior Manager and technical expert at a fraction of the Big 4 cost.